Monday, June 6, 2011

The Heat is On!

Not a lot going on in our neck of the woods - just laying low indoors to beat the heat! Our apartment complex opened the pool last weekend and try as we might, we've only been once, despite the repeated pleas of Superman - "Wa-her, mommy?" We were all set to go last evening, bodies slathered in sunscreen, swim diapers in place, everyone wearing matching sandals (a minor miracle, I know)!

Then, a crash, and a boom, and the sky grew dark and the rain started falling. Sigh. We were able to persuade the boys that splashing in the tub in their swim trunks was an acceptable alternative and happily Superman handled the sudden change of plans well. We'll try again this evening, fingers crossed!

I have a post I'm getting together about Dynamo's 2nd birthday last Friday. It was nothing fancy - just the Mister and me, the kids and my mom (aka Nana). Dynamo is obsessed with Thomas the train and anything wheeled right now, so I threw together a quick little shindig, complete with a homemade banner (during the construction of which I discovered I am NOT an artist) and poorly constructed train cake.

In the meantime, please enjoy this lovely picture of Superman's first time in a pool, when he was 7 months old.

So tiny - be still my heart!

I also wanted to say, "Hi" and "Welcome!" *giggles insanely and waves madly falling off the couch in glee* Imagine my surprise and elation when I logged in this morning and saw I had two followers - WOW - it truly made my day!

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